
Arbitration “Agreements” and Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal (FAIR Act)

In this video, we’ll cover how routine “agreements” to arbitrate have been eroding our rights and access to court. Please support the Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal (“FAIR”) Act and raise awareness about how we’re being herded out of court and forced to arbitrate.


00:00 Introduction

00:15 Arbitration “Agreements”

01:05 Two Examples

02:07 Insulating Mistreatment

02:55 Rarely Appealed

03:17 Fact Finding

03:45 Judge Perspectives

04:41 Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal (“FAIR”) Act


Major General Jeffrey Phillips (Ret.) statement to Congress: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/C...

Hon. John Paul Stevens quote (joined by Hon. Thurgood Marshall): https://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/htm...

Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal (“FAIR”) Act of 2023

Introduced in Senate: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-c...

Introduced in House of Representatives: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-c...

Hon. Hugo Black quote: https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremeco...

Fact Sheet: Cases Tossed Out of Court Because of Forced Arbitration Causes and Class Action Bans (Center for Justice & Democracy, New York Law School): https://www.centerjd.org/content/fact...

Mandatory Binding Arbitration and the Demise of the Seventh Demise of the Seventh Amendment Right to a Jury Trial (Jean R. Sternlight, Law Professor): https://scholars.law.unlv.edu/cgi/vie...

The Rise and Spread of Mandatory Arbitration as a Substitute for the Jury Trial (Jean R. Sternlight, Law Professor): https://scholars.law.unlv.edu/cgi/vie...

“Forced Arbitration and the Fate of the 7th Amendment: The Core of America’s Legal System at Stake?”

Report of the 2014 Forum for State Appellate Court Judges (Pound Civil Justice Institute): https://www.poundinstitute.org/wp-con...


What would an attorney video be without a disclaimer? Law can be complex, and it changes. That’s why you shouldn’t make any decisions based on this video. Instead, you should speak with a lawyer familiar with the current law that could apply to your situation.


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