
Assessing Your Situation: Labor & Employment Law for Employees


00:00 Introduction

02:54 Roadmap

03:36 Disclaimer

04:13 Options for those out of a job

08:12 I was fired! Do I have a claim?

11:20 My boss or coworkers were abusive! Isn't that illegal?

21:30 Has my employer been paying me correctly?

29:59 How much is my case worth?

34:26 What are the deadlines for bringing a case?

38:50 Is my case worth pursuing?

41:21 What should I do while I still work with the employer?

46:10 Q&A

Disclaimer: What would “lawyerly” videos be without a disclaimer? Law can be complex, and it changes. That’s why you shouldn’t make any decisions based on this video. Instead, you should speak with a lawyer familiar with the current law that could apply to your situation.


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